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About Us

As fresh as can be

Our award-winning milk and gelato are both produced fresh on the farm, yards away from the parlour where the mixed-breed free-range herd produce their amazing milk.


Since opening in 2018, we have produced over 200 flavours/variations of our artisan, Italian-style gelato. Our ethos is natural, local and seasonal, and we love to collaborate with other local small businesses to produce as diverse and creative flavour range as possible, alongside the family favourites.


Unlike traditional ice-cream, our gelato contains a higher concentration of milk (over 65% in every scoop) as well as less cream, less air, and no egg, ensuring a clean and smooth texture on the palate.


In 2019, we opened our milk-vending machine (“The Milkbot”), providing pasteurised, unhomogenised, “cream on the top,’ milk to our customers. You can also create your own “DIY milkshake,” by adding a syrup shot, should you wish.


Our newest venture at Gloucester Food Dock, in the heart of our historic city, opened in November 2023, more detail for which can be found by clicking here


Lactose intolerant? - You may be able to consume our products! - Click here to find out more

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Our Story

They say farming is in the blood - we have been at it all our lives! In spite of all the associated challenges, the passion to farm, produce great food, to love the land and the countryside, the animals and the seasons, is something that never leaves us. 50 years since Jerry arrived from Tetbury, and Jenni from Thornbury upon marriage, the next generation are continuing the tale through gelato and milk vending.


Jim (Jerry’s dad) came to this tenanted farm on the Elmore Estate from Tetbury in 1970 with a handful of Friesians, from which Jim and Jerry slowly grew and cultivated the now, 180-strong herd we see today – a family of different colours, breeds, sizes and ages, all with their own quirks and foibles. We farm approximately 350 acres with cows grazing freely during the warmer months. We firmly believe that our cows are healthier and happier when grazing outdoors, living just as nature intended.


We feel truly blessed to farm the wonderful countryside of Gloucestershire’s Severn Vales. We love the land, the animals, and in line with our Christian faith and values, try to do the best with the resources we have been given.

Meet The Team

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